Thursday, 29 December 2011

Briefs and possible FMP?

Brief 05:

Book design: maybe look at book/dvd/web for the same story.. or ipad/kindle..

Brief 06:

Come up with the perfect picnic.. is there anything else that could be included in this picnic?

Brief 07:

Brief 08:

Secret 7:

Album cover..

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


The last 10 weeks working on these four briefs have been difficult, in that it has made me organise my time more, though I still need to improve on it more next time. Looking back I can see that I spent much more time on my first brief than needed and I wasn’t decisive enough so it took me longer to get to an end result.
Because of this, I wasn’t ever just focused on my other briefs.

At the beginning of the year, I was able to sit down with Amber and ask her advice on how long I should spend on each brief and when to start. This worked really well, because of my lack of decisiveness on my first brief, this carried on throughout the module.
I think I worked quite well on my second brief, though I think I could have done more research on boutique shops and visited some. But I am pleased with the secret garden theme and the colour scheme of the shop and its products.

For my third brief, I panicked and started it earlier than agreed, and I feel that it has been a very rushed brief which could have had so much more done with it, through its deliverables and research.
I was excited to do this brief at the beginning and in the end it became a chore, and I got very uninterested in it. Looking back, I should have probably changed it to another brief, something new and fresh that I had a bit more interest in.

Even though I overran on my first brief (the fresh health & beauty products) it gave me the chance to look into different kinds of packaging.
After talking to Lorenzo, he encouraged me to look at proposed packaging, rather than wasting time making one packaging and sticking to it. I managed to get a lot more ideas across this way and in a short space of time. This will be very useful in briefs to come.

If I could to this module again, there would be a lot I would change.
I would do much more research and see more that is already out there, for example, see more shops with beauty products and visit boutique shops. This way I would have a better understanding of what is out there, rather than searching it on Google.
I need to make sure I stick to the deadlines I set myself, as I have found not doing this has a great impact on the briefs afterwards.
I really enjoyed working on the collaborative brief, and I think we worked really well together and came out with a really good product.

Friday, 9 December 2011


Need to not be in colour.. to go with the rest of the shop..  but looks a bit boring..

The shop regularly has discounts going on in store, so I have done some tags that would be put on the clothes when that happens..
I do think they need to be wider.. they don't stand out too much..

Again with the labels, I feel they would look better if they were bigger, but I like how the colours go behind and match the shop window..


I want to make the look book very visual and stand out.. I am having a few full page photos and some double paged spreads.. I have added some quotes from the secret garden, as something extra.. from the crit, people told me I should have the prices on the clothes.. I have got some translucent paper.. would be nice to use that for the prices instead of printing over the clothes..

Front looks like the shop sign.. use same colours..

I think the translucent colours would look better if they were all the same.. or maybe use 2.. 
didn't have enough of the paper though..

Bacardi Labels:

The labels have changed slightly in shape but they are quite similar to the original.. I wanted to change them a bit and add some flirtatious words in..

The aim of the label is that the person has to turn the bottle to read the chat up line..

The thought behind it is that the bottle is flirting with the person.. however, the person drinking may use the cheesy chat ups as an ice breaker.. just to make the night that bit more interesting..

There is a label for each flavour..

The posters reflect the labels.. with the same colour and shape..
The reason behind the typefaces is that the first half of the chat up lines are always said quite seriously.. but then the flirty part comes after.. and I think the type shows this..

The poster at the festival:

Thursday, 8 December 2011


I wanted to use canvas bags as this is quite boutique like.. its something different to the plain plastic bags given by massive chain stores..

I have looked at 2 sizes of bags.. depending on how much the customer buys or they could be bought in the shop as a bag for life..

They are quite simple, but show the shop name and an image of something from the secret garden theme..

I wanted the image to be sat in some colour, not just on its own..
Other bag ideas could be all patterned bags, using the wallpaper images.. they might look a bit more interesting as its a pattern.. and everyone loves patterns..

The transfers I purchased were quite shoddy.. I couldn't get it to stick to the bag no matter how much I ironed.. but you can get the idea of the bag designs.. even though they are quite creased in some areas..


The same as the fresh business cards and letterhead, I wasn't making a decision, so I have now.. I have used 4 colours for the logo and business card.. and I have used flower illustrations to emphasise the secret garden theme.. I think they have a boutique feel to them.. however, I think that the stock could be a bit thicker and have a bit of texture to it.. just for that boutique feel..

The wallpaper designs would be seen in the fitting rooms and on the shop floor on one wall.. I wanted to keep the illustrations in black, as from the crits I was told that the images were too mixed, as some were coloured and others weren't.. and it didn't work.. I can see this now.. I have decided to use colour in the background of the images..

The posters would be seen around town to start off with and maybe in the shop window, but when the boutique becomes more popular and well known, these types of posters would be seen in magazines and billboards and bus stops..

I'm not keen with the top layout of text.. it isn't clear how much the items are, as I find it difficult to read, however, the poster at the bottom is easily read quickly, which is what is needed when consumers are rushing about shopping..